
Wanderlust offers adrenaline pumping action in Cebu's hidden canyons. Rappelling down 30 meter waterfalls or free jumping into deep natural fresh water pools are a challenge for everybody.We offers these exciting day tour for more than 10 years and share our expert ice to everyone. Even beginners can master it safely with the help of our experienced guides and intro lessons.

Canyoning (known in the U.S. as canyoneering) is a sport popular in several countries. It involves traveling down creeks or streams within a canyon by a variety of means including walking, swimming, climbing, abseiling.


The Montaneza River threads its way through a narrow ravine. It is a perfect setting for an unforgettable canyon tour. We abseil a set of five different waterfalls, climbing and jumping down the rapids. Once you rappel the first waterfall, there is no return anymore. On of the high lights are the descending of a 30 meter high waterfall with an overhang. On the end of the tour there are springs , where you can take a bath and relax after after a very exciting adventure. The adrenaline pumping thrill & fun combined with incredible tropical nature is something you will remember for a long time.

*2500 PHP per person include transfers by action truck, guide fees & instructions, rental equipment, barbecue and drinks
*Clothes: Shorts & T-shirt Footwear: trainer, trekking sandals or booties - bring some extra cloths and towel to change.

Reminder: difficult especially during high water levels - no swimming skills required - but a "go for it attitude"


The canyoning activity at the Tison Falls is our most challenging day tour into a remote valley and a thrilling tour all the way through an amazing canyon. Breathtaking and spectacular views you experience there. First we hike over a mountain range for two hours before reaching the actual starting point of this canyoning tour. Twice we descend roughly 30 meter high waterfalls. Some of the jumps into the countless fresh water pools are up to 7 meter high and swim down stream lots of rapids. You finish your extraordinary adventure with a great BBQ buffet and cold drinks.

*2940 PHP per person include transfers by action truck, guide fees & instructions, rental equipment, barbecue and drinks.
*Cloths: Shorts & T-shirt Footwear: trainer, trekking sandals or booties - bring some extra cloths and towel to change.